

Video — Army to Invade Michigan with Driverless Trucks

Michigan’s Interstate 69 will host this summer a vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) road test with the U.S. Army.

A convoy of army trucks outfitted with sensors, radar, LiDAR, and other communications equipment will travel the route driverless. The trucks will communicate with roadside transponders, sharing such information as their speed and location. The transponders will be transmitting to the trucks information on weather, speed limits, and local lane closures.

According to Automotive News, the transponders cost $5,000 apiece, and have a range of 300 yards. Paul Rogers of the Army’s tank research center in Warren, tells the pub the test equipment is about $175,000 per vehicle, though a real-world application would bring that cost down.

Check out this older video of a similar test. Couple things –

  1. This is not, repeat NOT, the Blue and Maize Glee Club prepping for The Game.
  2. The Potemkin village in this looks a lot cooler than Mcity. I’m not saying I’m just saying.