A driverless Ford Fusion Hybrid being tested at Mcity in Michigan.

Report: 20 Million Autonomous Cars on Public Roads by 2025

A new report by the firm Juniper Research predicts that a whopping 20 million cars traveling on public roads in the year 2025 will be autonomous.

That’s equivalent to 28 percent of all cars sold across the globe last year in 2014.

Quoted in an article on CTV News, Juniper researchers said that although to many, self-driving car technology still seems too far away, the amount of money automakers and tech companies alike on spending on development is too much to ignore.

“From the outside as consumers looking into the world of the automobile, progress towards a self-driving, road-accident-free future may seem like light years away, but R&D budgets are huge, and testing is reaching its final stages.”

“This is an important step in making millions of people’s lives better and improving their mobility,” commented Ford Motor Group executive Raj Nair.

Ford famously became the first automaker to test its self-driving Fusion Hybrid prototype at Mcity, the University of Michigan’s expansive fake city, built to be a simulated real city in which to test connected and driverless technology.

Read more on CTV News.