
Top News Articles Last Week

It was another big week for news in the world of Driverless Transportation.  One of the more interesting articles was from USA Today on how Google dominates the news on driverless cars.  The article notes that traditional car companies, including Nissan who has made big commitments on the technology, don’t get anywhere near the press that Google does.

Geographic locations, other than Silicon Valley and Detroit/Michigan were also in the news this week.  A couple of articles discussed Boston.  One very interesting article from the Boston Globe described some of the challenges that self-driving cars will face on the roads of Boston. (Been there…driving is tough!) Other articles discussed driverless test facilities in Iowa, Georgia, and Florida.

The biggest news of the week though was focused around security concerns.  This was initiated by an FBI report that discussed how driverless cars could be used as “bombs-on-wheels” by criminals and terrorists.  As we’ve noted before, security is a key concern with this new technology.  A number of articles were written specifically on this report (see these from the Driverless Transportation News page).

Go to the Driverless Transportation News page to see all the top stories from last week.